Tea Staining Alternatives


Unless otherwise noted, the following information is common to all test beads:
* Bead was formed with Moretti/Effetre 204 White.
* Since these are test beads, I spent very little time trying to pretty them up.
* Left half of bead was etched. Etching was done before application of the Product Tested.
* Washing and Scrubbing was done with tap water and a fingernail brush to test durability. I was a little aggressive with the brush, but if it survived this test, it will survive many years of use without losing the staining.

* In this test, no attempt was made to match the color, unless I had to go out and purchase the product. This test was to test the application and durability of each of the products tested.

Most images have been reduced in size. Click on an image for a more detailed picture.

After Application Washed & Scrubbed Product Used Comments

Lipton Tea

Using 5 or more teabags, make a pot of tea. Get it as dark as you can. Dump the bags, let cool, and put it in a small plastic container (if you're putting the bead in a glass container and drop it, could break off protruding bits). 2) Dunk your annealed, cleaned bead into the brew, roll it around so it's got tea all over, and fish it out.

This method was reported to be permanent after 3 months, but it wasn't. Thinking that I had somehow done something wrong, I wrote to Sharon Peters. Click here to read what she had to say. Thank you Sharon!!!

No Change Bullseye Powder

Bullseye Frit

I dipped the hot bead into the powder and then melted it in the flame 3 times. I didn't think much of this one till after I etched it. The etched side is the closest I came to the look of tea staining. If a lighter shade is wanted, just dip and heat fewer times. Etching was done as the last step. If you like this one, you have the owner of Forestheart Studio to thank for coming up with it.
  Paradise Paint Brown Deborah at Dread Designs was kind enough to let us use this guy. Thanks!
  No Change  Rod dipped in 1Shot dark brown

"1 SHOT"® Lettering Enamel

This oil based opaque enamel  has excellent coverage on glass. It needs 30 days or so to reach it's maximum hardness.
No Change
Pebeo Vitrea 160
Vitrea 160 Vitrea 160 on a rod
This translucent paint needs to be dried in the oven at 325º F for 40 min.
No Change
Delta PermEnamel
Top half is etched. Requires preconditioning and after application of paint, 1 week before washing.
No Change
Effetre Amber Frit Trial 1
I decided to play around a bit and make my own powder from Moretti Dk. Topaz rods. I wasn't very pleased with the results - the look is too granular. Perhaps I'll regrind it and try again later or perhaps grind up a lighter colored rod.
No Change Effetre Amber Frit Trial 2 I reground the powder directly above into a finer powder and tried it again. I still don't care for the way it turned out. Of course, if you're going for the look of mud, this may be just what you're looking for. Next I'll try a lighter color of Moretti Topaz. I didn't even bother to etch this one.
No Change
Effetre Amber Frit Trial 3
Decided to buy the lighter frit/powder instead of making my own.  I had to heat the bead so much to melt in the frit that I lost all the detail in the cat face. As above, I didn't bother to etch this one.
Top half is Minwax Wood Finish Minwax Wood Finish
Bottom half is Tandy's Leather Glow
 Tandy Leather Glow
Minwax Wood Finish Touch-up MarkerMinwax Stain Marker  
Rub & Buff
Rub 'n Buff
Painters Metallic MarkerMetallic Paint Marker  
Kiwi Paste Shoe Polish
Kiwi Paste Shoe Polish (wax)
Kiwi Cream Shoe Polish
Kiwi Cream Shoe Polish (wax)
Fingernail PolishFingernail Enamel This was the only Nail polish I could find that looked dark brown. As you can see, looks can be deceiving.
No Change Sculpey IIISculpey III  
Etching was done as the last step.
No Change Thompson EnamelThompson Enamel Etching was done as the last step.
No Change Copper Ruby  Reduction Frit    Powder    Copper Ruby Reduction Frit Powder Etching was done as the last step. The frit was not reduced.
Gallery Glass Window ColorGallery Glass Paint  
Liquitex Concentrated Artist Color - Acrylic Liquitex Acrylic Paint  
Sharpie Gold MarkerSharpey Metallic Marker  
 Testors Model Paint Enamel
Testor Model Paint
Painters Enamel Marker Enamel Paint Marker  
Folgers CoffeeFolgers Coffee Crystals Treated this one exactly like the Tea.
PaperMate Permanent MarkerPapermate Permanent Marker This bead broke and the darkest area on the washed bead is where the ink stuck to the glue.
Rit Fabric DyeRit Dye The color washed away as soon as it hit the water. This bead also broke the only color that remained was what was stuck to the glue.
Walnut InkWalnut Ink Ink does not want to stick to the unetched side. If you click on the picture to view the larger image, you can see areas on the right side where the ink pulled away.

As predicted, the color washed away as soon as it hit the water.

Sharpie Brown MarkerSharpey Marker  
Liquid LeafLiquid Leaf  
Easter Egg DyeEaster Egg Dye The color washed away as soon as it hit the water.
Embossing PowderGold Embossing Powder  
Higgins Permanent Black Ink
Higgins Eternal Ink
No Change
Duncan Ceramic Glaze
Duncan Ceramic Glaze - Beanpot Brown
The glaze should have turned out the color of the inside of a bean pot. The dark areas of the bead show about the best you can do with a ceramic glaze. The temperature required for the glaze is higher than the melting temperature of the base glass. Etching was done as the last step.


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